haven't written anything in a while, so here i am.
i've realised that my use of english is primarily (entirely?) passive, i.e. i only consume and do not produce. (same can be said about my whole way of living harhar oh well).
random thought #1
the only thing going for colds in my organism is that I usually start having lucid feverish dreams, and they are... AMAZING. much more detailed, colourful and with a better storyline than usual, so i have at least something to look forward to when I finally collapse on my too-hot and uncomfortable bed in tangled sheets (cause i'm feverish aye?)
random thought #2 and so on
I would attribute it to fever as well - the fact that I was able to enjoy watching 50+ (i dunno, I didn't count, but there were A LOT) videos from bgt and agt, and I've actually found them entertaining... hell, i've even ventured so far as to watch a vid of russian Voice - to get a hang of what it is like in our country. And there even were a couple of people with really good voices, but I dread to think about other contestants, who were not winners.
I even googled eurovision after that - it is a song contest, after all - but mainly a bitter disappointment ntl.

i've finished The Dark Tower series this week. it was properly enchanting. I couldn't put it down. I've swallowed the last three books in a space of a few days (the last two, at least, definitely). Roland is by far not my favourite character, so I wasn't really put off by the ending, and it is the only possible ending, I agree, and the journey is far greater than the mere last few pages and the last phrase, I agree with that, too, so all in all it was a fascinating and exciting journey. And I want to try out more King's books. I'm somewhat in awe of a person, of his mind, rather, that conjured up such a magnificent tale spanning 34 years in the making.
I do have some critique regarding DT, though. In the last two books there was a little too much magic for my liking, it was not just the Beams and Old People and their disastrous machines anymore - no, vampires??? supernatural bandits??? child conceived by two people who never had sex with each other??? telepaths working to end all universes, unknowingly??? бесславный конец человека в черном??? a very strange indeed end of the crimson king??? magic boy with magic drawing skills??? gory and needless deaths of every, Every_one of gunslinger's companions, and then rather cheesy and heartbreaking happy(?) ending??? I mean... I thought some themes were not entirely developed to the end, and the meeting with Stephen King himself - umm, okay...
But the story and the world - it made me gasp, it made me cry, it has grown roots into the emotional side of my brain, and I loved it, loved it, for it provided a thoroughly enoyable escape from reality...
I dreaded the end of the journey, but it's not so bad now. It was a really good ride. May it do ya fine.

I watched a few videos of the magicians on YT, and it blows my mind, and I couldn't stop and I can't have enough. Clever tricks properly fascinate me. It is, after all, amusing to allow yourself to be fooled to the extent of actually entertaining a thought of magic being real.

And Boy with tape on his face holds a special place in my heart now